Handbags, suitcases, school bags, travel bags, backpacks and numerous fashion accessories. Find everything you need for the perfect style on the go at Bags&More leather and fine products store.
The latest trends from renowned brands of fashion leather and fine products
Choose quality at an affordable price! Bags&More store will quickly become your first choice when you are looking for an elegant evening bag, a suitcase for your next trip or a nice birthday gift. The store rich offer, at Supernova Kranj shopping centre, will satisfy even the most demanding tastes. Trust the renowned leather products brands or opt for the store own brands at an affordable price. Bags&More quality guarantee brings satisfaction with every purchase, while numerous regular promotions and seasonal discounts make sure you leave the store with an even larger smile on your face.
In a real paradise for handbag lovers you will find the perfect companion for your lifestyle - from classic elegance to sports style, from small handbags to business bags and large maxi bags, where you can store everything you need during your day. Travel enthusiasts will also find themselves in paradise, as Bags&More offers the widest selection of travel bags and suitcases at affordable prices. Hard and soft suitcases of various sizes, sets of suitcases, cabin suitcases for hand luggage and convenient travel bags for sports or trips satisfy all the modern traveller’s desires. During the preparations for school, the store will delight you with a wide range of trendy backpacks and school bags as well as quality school supplies. There are also notepads, cups, watches, plush toys and other original items if you are looking for a nice gift.
Handbags, stationery and more …
Bags&More and Office&More is a leader in the field of bags, luggage and stationery. The company with the distinctive trademark “&More” is the official reseller for over 30 popular brands, including Roncato, Eastpak, Picard, Valentino, Nici, Fila, Esprit, Desigual, Nike, adidas, Dakine, Reebok, Delsey, Swissbrand, Anekke and s.Oliver. It is present in the Slovenian market since 1991 and has currently more than 65 shops.
The slogan “More for You” underlines the vast selection of products, high quality and best prices. The company success is built on strategic choice of brands and original store brands that reflect the market and fashion trends. Bags&More is a true specialist for men and women fashion and travel bags, handbags, gifts, stationery, school supplies, promotional and business gifts. It has also led some successful collaborations for special school supplies lines with popular Slovene icons, such as Luka Dončić and Lepa Afna.